
Study trip to Cambridge
Research into the history of mediums and the Society of Psychical Research at their archives at Cambridge University Library, UK
October 2019

The World Chewed Up
Sound piece, 12 mins
Presented in the framework of Anarchive: memory #5 at Gammelgaard, Herlev, Denmark
September 2019

The World Chewed Up is a first-person narration from the perspective of the early 20th-century medium Eva Carrière. It details some of her experiences performing séances, but posits her as an artist, rather than as a spiritualist or fraudster. The format of the séance required immense creative and artistic effort for staging out-of-the-ordinary situations and thus casting new perspectives on the world. Some of the perspectives this narration seeks to evoke are the invisible, material and affective aspects of work and everyday life. To conjure this historical figure, the sound work also aims to channel a whole host of artistic practices that, although not officially recognized as such, open up spaces for a critical and historically-aware practice of art making.

Ectoplasmic Materialism
Presentation at The Kitchen, New York, USA
As part of the event Emergency Ecotoplasmic Exodus
June 2019

Sounding The Paper Trumpet
Presented in the framework of Anarchive: memory #01 at Gammelgaard, Herlev, Denmark
August 2018

Haunting The Space
Institut for Contemporary Art, Graz University of Technology, Austria
April 2018

Chewing Up The Script / Throwing Up The World
Lecture and workshop
Konstfack, Stockholm, Sweden
January 2018

Report by Ectoplasmic Materialism in Intransitive Journal:

RADIO-C: Dark Matter Broadcast
Piece for radio (in Swedish) for Konsthall C and Stockholm Närradio, Sweden, December 2016

Diavox and the Detritus of Dead Labour
Talk and workshop
Konstfack, Stockholm, Sweden
February 2016

The Spillover Room
Video, 13 mins
Catalyst Arts, Belfast
May 2016

An Unpleasant Evening of Singing Out of Tune
Presentation, workshop
Vereinigung bildender Künstlerinnen Österreichs, Vienna, Austria
April 2016

The Spillover Room
Fantom Cinema at Glasgow International
April 2016

Ectoplasm in canon (in C minor)
Ljudskolan, Siggalycke, Sweden
June 2015

Hauntings, again
Department of Walls & Space, Royal Danish Academy of Fine Art, Copenhagen, Denmark
March 2014